Huifeng Umbrella Co.,Ltd.

A leading umbrella manufacturer since 1987

Buying Guide To Custom Windproof Umbrellas


storm umbrella

For people living in windy climates, umbrellas offer little protection from the rain. The effort of keeping your umbrella from being blown by the wind or even broken far outweighs the benefits of a bit of rain protection. With that in mind, a few companies specialize in windproof umbrellas that promise to keep you cozy and dry—no matter how strong the wind blows! So what is a windproof umbrella, how does it work, and where can you buy a great one? This quick and easy buying guide will tell you everything you need to know about them!

1: What Is A Windproof Umbrella?

A windproof umbrella is an umbrella that has been designed to remain open and to avoid breaking when strong winds are blowing. It is generally made of good quality, sturdy materials that remain intact even in a storm. Although windproof umbrellas’ level of protection varies, they can generally withstand winds up to 50 miles/hour. Those umbrellas are usually more expensive than traditional ones because of the materials that they use, although it is not impossible to find one for a decent price.

2: How Does A Windproof Umbrella Work?

First of all, windproof umbrellas avoid getting broken by the wind because they are made of sturdier material. While a traditional umbrella stick may be made of a flimsy metal, the shaft of a windproof umbrella is generally thicker, heavier, and denser metal that doesn’t bend or break. Parts that are particularly fragile, such as joints, are usually covered in tempered steel, making them extra durable. Secondly, windproof umbrellas avoid getting blown by the wind by allowing some wind to circulate.

umbrella structure

Whereas regular umbrellas, when open, offer a complete barrier from the wind, windproof ones have small vents that let a bit of wind go through. While this may seem counterintuitive, this is actually the best way to protect yourself from the wind. Think about it: blocking the wind completely creates a lot of pressure, and eventually, the wind is sure to win. With their vents, windproof umbrellas have a lot less pressure and are more flexible, meaning that the wind won’t break them.

3: What Is The Difference Between A Vented and Unvented Umbrella?

Windproof umbrellas are generally vented, which is how they protect from the wind. A vented umbrella will typically possess a second interior canopy with small vents. This lets the wind go through and break down inside of the umbrella, releasing a lot of pressure. The double shelter on top of it serves to offer full rain protection.

vented umbrellas

An unvented umbrella generally only has one canopy. Because this canopy is supposed to offer complete rain protection, it is completely devoid of holes. As a result, wind can get caught in the umbrella, leading it to take off, get broken, or otherwise malfunction. That being said, some windproof umbrellas are ventless and still design to hold up against the wind. They generally incorporate other solutions, like reinforced joints, sturdier materials, and a more ergonomic shape.

Double Canopy Golf Umbrella

4:What’re the best custom windproof umbrellas for travel?

Now that you understand better what windproof umbrellas are all about and how they work, here’s where to find one!

1- The GustBuster Metro Windproof Umbrella

This beautiful, all-black umbrella is large, comfortable, and remarkably sturdy. Equipped with all the aforementioned technology, it possesses a double canopy, special air vents, and temper-hardened steel parts , making it resistant to almost any wind. In fact, this particular model winds up to 55 miles/hour! One thing we really love about this one is that it can open automatically, a simple addition that makes us feel like secret spies.

2- Hamalaya Windproof Travel Umbrella

This light and inexpensive model is actually one of the best travel umbrellas you can get against the wind. It has 10 reinforced ribs made of solid material and has been tested on winds up to 60 miles/hour. While it doesn’t have the vent system that the more extensive (and more expensive) windproof umbrellas usually have, it holds up very well, as evidenced by the lifetime guarantee that its manufacturer offer. What more could you want!

3- G4Free Automatic Windproof Golf Umbrella

This umbrella by G4Free is large, heavy, and comes in a beautiful array of colors, from white to pink to light blue. As well as being fully automatic, it is a real family model with a 68-inch canopy. This means that, at the very least, two people can stand under it comfortably. Finally, its double-canopy design with a vent system and fiberglass frame makes it able to resist even the strongest winds.


5: How Should You Choose A Windproof Umbrella Manufacturer?

Many reputable windproof umbrella manufacturers are on the market today, using just about the same technologies and materials. So how should you choose one? Well, here are a couple of things to watch out for:

1- Guarantees
Companies such as hfumbrella offer a lifelong guarantee for their umbrellas. Others offer promises of a couple of years, which is fine too. In general, try to find a manufacturer that offers some moneyback deal or guarantee: this is a real sign that the umbrellas are adequately tested and are as durable as they claim to be.

2- Design
All windproof umbrellas use a combination of the same technologies…so why not choose yours based on looks. While most windproof umbrellas only come in black, some manufacturers, like G4Free have options in several colors. If fashion matters to you or you like to express your personality with colorful accessories, this could be something to consider.

3- Price
Finally, some umbrellas come in at a higher price point than others. While the material quality generally justifies this, they may not be sturdier against the wind than cheaper umbrellas. When making a decision, make sure that you are considering the value of the money of the umbrella you are buying. Buying a windproof umbrella can make all the difference between a daily struggle with the wind and a smooth experience. With their clever technologies, these accessories aim to protect you against even the strongest gusts, no matter what. We hope this little guide has helped you understand how they work and what to look for when purchasing one.

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Huifeng umbrella has been a reputed windproof umbrella manufacturer for over 30 years.

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