Huifeng Umbrella Co.,Ltd.

A leading umbrella manufacturer since 1987

When Creativity Meets a Need: The Umbrella Dryer Machine Innovation Story

umbrella dryer machine story

Many people speak of innovation and one thing is certain, innovation is birthed by seeing a problem, and having the vision to solve it, not just for you, but also for everyone that faces a similar issue. We can start the story of the umbrella dryer machine innovation by acknowledging the importance of a man’s vision and the passion to fulfil it.

Umbrella Dryer Machine

Like many other entrepreneurial stories, Mr. Tan’s story on his dryer machine invention started with seeing a need and finding a way to bridge the gap between the need and a solution. It all started on a rainy morning, with Mr Tan on his way to work, holding an umbrella over his head as he took long strides towards his office, so he could get to his meeting in time.

Several minutes later, he found himself outside his office building, trying to get the rain puddles that have now developed off his wet umbrella. It took some minutes of his precious time to get this done and it was then that it struck him—this was an inconvenience for all. Having an umbrella to keep you covered while it rains is one thing, but what happens after?

As the words of Albert Einstein resound, “Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought,” this can be said to be the case for Mr. Tanas he took hours of study to find a solution to a pertaining problem that he knew everyone faced. What can be done to prevent homeowners, kids, and office workers from bringing the rain into their space?

Umbrella Dryer Machine

Mr Tan is a resilient man, not one to ever give up, it was with this tenacity that he growed up with HfUmbrella, and now what has birthed a solution to a long overdue problem. After hours of research and several long nights of thinking and drawing up plans, he designed a new umbrella dryer that could change the lives of many.

Umbrella Dryer Machine

Having encountered the problem personally, Mr Tan knew what was required and he made sure his umbrella dryer embodied all that was needed. This device could dry umbrellas fast and efficiently, and it has a simple design that makes it easy to use for all and sundry; adults and kids alike.

Not long after, Mr Tan’s new invention caught the eyes of various investors and he took the next step towards getting his design patented to safeguard his innovation and protect his intellectual property. After this step, which was instrumental to the future development of HfUmbrellas, Mr Tan went ahead and began converting his idea into a reality. It took a team of common-minded engineers, designers and markers to start the process.

Brene Brown once said, “There is no innovation and creativity without failure.” This happened to be the case with Mr Tan’s new idea for a little while as his product faced some criticisms, making the move to the market more difficult than imagined. Several people wondered what the need for the product was. However, the resilient Mr Tan did not let the skepticism deter him; he knew he had a product that could bring convenience, and he wanted people to know about it.

Umbrella Dryer Machine

Mr Tan went back to the drawing table with his team and made product improvements. The dryer machine eventually gained public acceptance with corporate organizations and individuals seeing the need for the device. It soon became a largely accepted device to serve people in schools, their homes, offices, and all other spaces.

Not long after, the idea of branding the products came up, and customers loved it even more. Each person could customize their machine to fit their tastes and preferences. The business kept growing as Mr Tan looked into even bigger prospects, expanding his brand’s reach as his product was welcomed in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and many other countries around the globe.

Today, HfUmbrella is a global company that meets the needs of its customers through Mr Tan’s vision and the birth of a successful business model. This success story is one of innovation, creativity, and resilience; it has inspired many to chase opportunities and follow their dreams.